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A Conference About You

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Nicole Wang

Financial Professional, Real Estate Investor, Entrepreneur

Nicole Wang is a multi-talented financial professional, real estate investor, and entrepreneur with a diverse background and a strong passion for helping people achieve their full potential and find happiness and fulfillment. Her experience spans over a decade, primarily in the fields of banking, investment banking, and investment management, with a focus on stocks, fixed income, credit, and real estate. Nicole is not only an accomplished finance expert but also a community builder and leader. 

Nicole is the founder and co-organizer of the Toronto Multifamily Meet-up group, which has grown to include more than 160 professionals and entrepreneurs. The group's primary goal is to foster collaboration and synergies among its members, promoting business growth and mutual success. Nicole is involved in various philanthropic and artistic initiatives; this makes her a well-rounded individual who not only excels in the world of finance but also actively contributes to her community and supports various social causes.

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